
Multilingual Subtitling Services

We can translate a movie script, transcribe video or audio materials, and add subtitles or closed captions. We have a large pool of Subtitling experts who work with cutting edge technology and they have years of experience working with audiovisual projects of any size and complexity.

Fast and accurate multilingual services from CGC translation services

CGC Translation Services can help you adapt your video content into an accessible medium to help you reach a global and local audience. We can translate a movie script, transcribe video or audio materials, and add subtitles or closed captions. We have a large pool of Subtitling experts who work with cutting edge technology and they have years of experience working with audiovisual projects of any size and complexity. We make subtitling simpler for our clients by handling the entire process through a solid workflow management methodology. From translation of the dialogue to deciding on the least intrusive placement of the subtitles, we have the expertise and resources to complete the task with excellence.

Types Of Subtitling Services

Intralingual Subtitling Services
CGC Translation Services delivers Intralingual Subtitling Services by delivering a complete transcription of the soundtrack of a video in the same language as the original soundtrack. Our team produces precise and accurate intralingual subtitles. They properly understand the video and transcribe it within the same language into a written text without making any changes to the subtitles.
Interlingual Subtitling Services
CGC Translation Services delivers optimum Interlingual Subtitling Services by translating the video content from one language into another. Our multilingual subtitling professionals create accurate subtitles in multiple languages.

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